평균 점수 677 리뷰
가격 대비 품질
Lamia Saadaoui 평가됨 on Google
8개월 전Mak Ky 평가됨 on Google
Jamais déçu (Translated by Google) Never disappointed
8개월 전Maria Lima 평가됨 on Google
8개월 전Nadège D 평가됨 on Google
8개월 전Gérard Pierre M 평가됨 on Google
Un bon petit restaurant thaï de banlieue, sans prétention, mais qui sert une bonne cuisine asiatique, principalement thaï mais aussi japonaise. Les plats sont copieux, variés, de qualité et à un tarif doux. Je recommande cet établissement. (Translated by Google) A good little suburban Thai restaurant, unpretentious, but which serves good Asian cuisine, mainly Thai but also Japanese. The dishes are copious, varied, of quality and at a reasonable price. I recommend this establishment.
9개월 전Sandra M 평가됨 on Google
9개월 전D M 평가됨 on Google
9개월 전Margaux Villemur 평가됨 on Google
9개월 전samia zitouni 평가됨 on Google
Toujours aussi savoureux... (Translated by Google) Still so tasty...
9개월 전
8개월 전